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Fresh Juice At MyGovindas Restaurant - Do you love fresh juices? I guess most of us love them because juices are tasty, refreshing, and healthy.

Drinking juices is time-saving and juices are the simplest way to give our body its required nutrition.

In our day-to-day life, we run short of time to give our bodies the required nutrition, so a good way is to add juices to our diet.

Let us tell you some of the important benefits of juices:

  1. The best part about juices is that our body easily digests liquid and instantly provides a good deal of nutritional value.
  2. Juices contain essential vitamins and minerals which help our body promote healthy digestion.
  3. Orange juice contains Vitamin B and Vitamin C. They help boost the immune system of the body.
  4. Sweet lime juice helps in solving respiratory problems, helps in maintaining optimum weight, and also helps indigestion.
  5. Watermelon juice helps you hydrate, helps in the prevention of cancer, improves heart health, and helps in relieving muscle soreness.
  6. Juices are the ideal way to aid recovery from illness.
  7. Different juices provide different types of nutrients like vitamin a, vitamin c and vitamin e.
  8. Juices provide essential minerals, such as iron, copper, potassium, sodium and iodine.

If you find it hard to eat healthily and are always on the go then juices are a great option for you. Drinking at least one glass of hundred percent fresh juice is a great way for one to get the RDI (Recommended daily intake) of key essentials.

With so many health benefits from juices, why not add them to your daily diet?

We at MyGovindas have a wide variety of refreshing juices. Our juices are fresh and healthy. Visit us for some of the finest juices and cocktails. They are perfect add-ons to a healthy sattvic diet.

My Govindas